Building a New “World Fashion”: Islamic Dress in the Twenty-first Century
This article criticizes the concepts of "ethnic dress" and "world-mode", together with the general impression that it is dominated by only a world-mode system from the west. A new framework based on micro-crops, and macro-cultures may enable us to identify non-western fashion systems that have a global reach. For example, Asia, Africa and Islamic clothing appeal to consumers in several
countries and not just "ethnic dress" should be considered. This article then goes on similarities between the Islamic fashion websites to analyze an example of a non-Western world fashion system.
Muslim fashion label Hijab
These pages, targeted primarily at Muslim women who live outside the Islamic world (in areas such as Canada and the United States), giving consumers several advantages over going to the local mall: the styles and the names of the clothes are similar, if not identical to what Muslims wear in countries such as Turkey, Egypt and Jordan; the dress is always modest; and the companies offer a shopping experience in accordance with Muslim values. In addition to clothing for women and sometimes men and children, provide many of the sites citations from the Koran, a "Hadith of the Day" (Comments on the message and life of the Prophet Mohammed), discussion forums, and even advice on how to wrap a scarf. In the last five years, as the technology and speed of the Internet has improved, these websites have spread modes between the different parts of the Islamic world to play an important role started.
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